Friday, February 3, 2023

Make Amazing Game Mechanics For Your Unity Project


You will get game mechanic(s) of your choice made in Unity for use in your game. These mechanics will be made for use in single-player games with no multi-player networking. These mechanics will be programmed using good coding practices and a reasonable amount of commenting so you will be able to tell exactly what the code does and how it works. I have made multiple games in Unity all of different genres and have plenty of experience in the field of game design.

Some mechanics I have experience making include:

- Real-time position tracking in a racing game

- A checkpoint system for a racing game

- Race and lap timer

- Various forms of AI

- Damage, healing and gun combat mechanics for an action/shooter game

- Aiming down sights (ADS) with animations for an action/shooter game

- Ammo replenishment for an action/shooter game

- Item pick-up and drop system

- Unique abilities and mechanics such as a grappling gun

- Score tracking

- Achievement tracking with pop-ups and menu

If the mechanic you are looking for is not on this list feel free to contact me and we can discuss the mechanic you are looking to get made in more detail to see what I can do.


: : : : :

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