Saturday, July 8, 2023

Script Anything For You On Roblox


I’ll script anything you want, as long as it is within my ability. Check out the different packages to see what is offered!


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Friday, July 7, 2023

Program Your Game Mechanics In Unity 2D Or 3D


it simple, you plan a mechanic and pay me to make it true.

i will program a scene full of placeholder that your mechanic need so you play with it.

no matter how difficult it is i will make it.

berofe requesting ask about the time amount, maybe your project take longer to be made.


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Thursday, July 6, 2023

Program A Game Mechanic


i'm godot programmer and i'll code the mechanics you want in your game, player movement, enemy movement and i can code also ui and ux


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Develop A 3D Or 2D Game In Unity


Hello there ^^,

im an Game Programming Student at the Games Academy in Berlin Germany.

I will Programm a (Prototype) Game for you based on your Designs.

Since im not an artis the Games will have Progger Art, Third Party Assets or Art you can Provide.

Here are some of my links where you can try the things i´ve made before (made with a team of 7 people)

https://Kyss.Dev/ (WIP)

If you have any Questions feel free to ask ^^.

(all images are from things i´ve made or worked on)


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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Develop Backend For Your Unity Game Using Playfab



I'm an official Microsoft Game Stack ambassador and I specialise in implementing backend for your games using Microsoft Playfab service.

I already worked on tens of different Playfab projects and implemented some features like:

  • Users login
  • Secure (server validated) in-app purchases
  • Friends system + mails
  • Item, store, virtual currencies and whole game economy
  • Loot boxes
  • Daily rewards
  • Battle pass

and more!

Please contact me to learn about my full offer!

Playfab supports PC/MAC as well as iOS/Android, to make sure that your game will be available on all devices!

For each order I also include a few minute video that shows all implemented features in the delivered project FOR FREE!

Please contact me before placing an order!


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Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Make A 2D Game For You In Gamemaker Studio 2


I'll make a small game/prototype according to your designs with assets you provide. In abscence of assets provided I'll use free assets or make very basic placeholder assets.

I make 2D games ONLY! I work with GameMaker (Studio) 2 only!

$40 is my daily rate ($5/h), I'm taking custom orders, describe what you want I'll give you a price and time frame that I can do it in.

Please, have a design document ready so the scope and design of the job is clear!

I need VERY DETAILED and grammatically correct instructions in English or Hungarian!

I work best with constant feedback, if needed I can work while streaming on Discord or some other platform.

What I can provide:

  • shaders (water reflections, dissolution, post-processing, bloom, fire...)
  • menu system
  • dialogue system
  • controller support
  • .ini based localization
  • Twitch
  • creative particle system use
  • "time" manipulation
  • etc.

I will NOT put profanity into games I make, but you will have access to the language files and/or the source code.

No unapproved fan content or unlicensed assets so as to avoid legal trouble!

"Copies/assetflips" walk a fine line and I don't find them fun anyways.


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Sunday, July 2, 2023

A Unity 2D Game Protype


I can make your game mechanics into prototypes.

I will not use code/assets bought from Asset Store.

All prices listed are final price. No hidden fees.


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